Registered Address

Caravan Planning is a trading name of The Complete Building Regs Service Ltd


Registered company address (not for correspondence):

28 Alexandra Terrace, Exmouth. EX8 1BD

Company number 08728228

VAT registration number 300029276.


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How can we help?

We can help if you are looking to get a Lawful Development Certificate  for an annex or garden room near your house that comes under the Caravan Act 1968.


If you have found us, you already know a little about how you might be able to site a caravan structure in your garden when other planning routes would be more complex, but please check out our guide to The Caravan Act  just to be sure.


We only deal with applications for Lawful Development Certificates for caravan units within domestic curtilages , so sorry, we can’t help if you are looking for advice on rental units, caravans on agricultural, forest or equine land, multiple units or caravan sites.


Our fee structure is transparent and fixed:


Compile and submit your application* £685 + VAT

Planning fee to local council (we ask you to pay directly) – Currently £135 (no VAT)

  • We also act as your agent during the planning process and answer any questions the planning authority may have on your application.


That is it. No hidden fees, no extras. If we review your case and confirm in writing that we are confident we can achieve a positive outcome, that is the single fixed fee you pay.


Ts & Cs apply:

If refused, a refund applies to both Caravan Planning fee & council planning application fee. Refund only issued after an unsuccessful appeal process (not just council refusal) – appeal process FOC to client; as long as dealt with entirely by Caravan Planning.

Please tell us more

Please tell us more

So that we can advise you accurately, please answers the following quick questions.



Thank you, we will contact you shortly

What is the proposed use of the caravan?

You need to select an item to continue


Have you applied for a caravan application in the past ?

You need to select an item to continue


Have any enforcement actions for unlawful land use in relation to the property?

You need to select an item to continue


Where are you planning on putting the caravan?

You need to select an item to continue


Is your property Listed, in a conservation area, in an AONB or in a National Park?

You need to select an item to continue


Please provide the following:

    1.        Some form of site plan showing your house, the extent of your land ownership / garden, and the approximate location of the caravan unit. This can be an annotated Land Registry plan, a site plan from a previous planning application or simply a hand drawn plan.

    2.        A photograph of the proposed location for the caravan, ideally in relation to the main house.

    3.        Details or example of the proposed unit you want to site on your land.


    Description Information Quantity Price
    Discount :
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    How can we help? - Caravan Planning